about us

Ceci Craft
Ceci (Clark) Craft: Ceci created The All-Terrain Project blending her experience working with the Special Forces community for 6 years on Fort Bragg and in professional baseball with the Cleveland Indians. Ceci was the first woman to be hired into a full time mental performance position in Major League Baseball. She spent six seasons working with the Major League team for the Cleveland Indians. Before that Ceci spent 6 years training Special Forces Soldiers on the mental component of performance. In 2019 Ceci came back to her work with Special Forces and home to North Carolina. She maintains her relationship with the Cleveland Indians through support of their Amateur Draft process. Ceci's educational background is in applied sport science with a focus in sport psychology. She is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant.
Mike Lerario
Mike Lerario: Mike is a retired Lieutenant Colonel with over 23 years of experience leading soldiers through peace and war. After retiring from the Army, Mike became a consultant and project manager, providing specialized consulting services to the Department of Defense and NATO. Mike provides coaching, training and assessments in leadership development for individuals and organizations through his company Crispian Consulting. His book “Leadership in Balance” is an Amazon.com International Best Seller
Military Instructors
Military Instructors: The All-Terrain Project draws upon the experience of some of this country’s most talented military instructors. The land navigation portion of the course is taught by retired or current Soldiers from the Special Operations community. Many of these instructors have taught these same skills to foreign populations around the world, or trained our own military in these skills.